

iWorkplace is a productivity platform for building, integrating, publishing and managing e-business solutions, corporate portals, Web services and Web applications with J2EE technology.

Project Details

Built on Eclipse, the open platform widely supported by the software industry, iWorkplace IDE provides advanced capabilities to automate the creation of Java™ Enterprise platform components and technologies, and increase development productivity through a broad set of integrated tools.

What were the technologies used?

  • Java
  • Eclipse
  • SWT
  • J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition)
  • JPA (Java Persistence API)
  • EJB (Enterprise Java Beans)
  • JSP (JavaServer Pages)
  • JSF (JavaServer Faces)
  • JSF MVC - Model View Controller Pattern
  • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP)
  • SOAP Webservices
  • Apache Ant
  • CVS

What were my responsibilities?

  • Help to define the architecture of applications that are created by iWorkplace;
  • Develop plugins to add new features to the Eclipse platform such as: visual interface editors, wizards, configuration dialogs, etc.;
  • Develop visual editor for JSF files;
  • Develop wizard for web services code generation;
  • Develop wizard to generate classes of components for a multi-layer application, such as Entities and Data Access Objects.